Thank you so much Lisa for such a beautiful card folder and stamped images!! I'm very excited about winning them!
For anyone who has not yet visited Allissa Design Cabin you should head over there now - Lisa makes such beautiful cards, and also designs her own backing papers which are available on CD or for download (hope I've got the facts right here)!

Awww Esme, you are so lovely! you really are...how could you wonder why you win things. You have been a dedicated follower of mine from day one and I appreciate you taking your precious time to always leave comments on my Cards and stuff.
I will get them in the post to you 1st class Monday morning poppet. Hope you're having a great week And something I have always wanted to say to you regarding your job....WELL done and thankyou for taking care of all those poorly pets. Bless your heart.
Big Hugs
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